Posts tagged: PhD

PhD and Degree Programs in Online Games

Online gaming, including online casinos, started off slowly in the much latter half of the twentieth century. However, the true power of the online gaming world commenced as gaming technology developed and broadband Internet lowered its costs. Today, all over the world, online gaming, and maybe online gambling to a greater degree, is how many people choose to spend their time.

  1. A brief history of online gaming

In 1969, the earliest online games were invented, but their popularity only started to rise in the late 1970s and early 1980s when Dial-up Bulletin Boards were in demand. The advancement of the Internet and technology such as Flash and Java led to millions of websites being launched on the World Wide Web in the 1990s. With this, interactive computing opportunities, such as those for online casinos and multi-player games, grew ten-fold. Even since Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony – all giants in the tech world – created even more advanced gaming consoles and gaming software, the face of online gaming changed and boomed even more.

Another part of online gaming that has increased in size and scope in recent years is online casinos – also called virtual or Internet casinos – that are exactly like the traditional brick-and-mortar version. Famous online casinos include, offering full capacity of gaming and casinos services online.

  1. Degrees in online gaming and casino management

Ever since the online gaming and virtual casino industry has flourished, many universities across the world began offering many different degrees in online gaming and casino management.

Bachelor in Casino and Resort management at University of Southern Mississippi

For example, the University of Southern Mississippi offers a bachelor’s degree in casino and resort management. This degree helps students to find employment in casinos, hotels, and online travel companies. Other universities only offer certificate or associate degree programs in this field. MA degrees are not available in casino management; however, an MA degree in Hospitality Management is possible, with a course on casino management.

PhD Degree in Serious Games by Michigan State University

Many universities, such as Michigan State University, offer bachelor, MA and even doctorate degrees in game design and development. At the Michigan State University, you can do a Serious Game Graduate Certificate, either on campus or online. This program is designed to give students insight into serious game theories and design. The University of Southern California, for example, offers BA and BFA degrees in Animation and Digital Arts, and a BS in Computer Science (Games) and an MS degree in Computer Science (Game Development on Multimedia and Creative Technologies.) Many other such and related degrees can be found all across the USA and internationally.

  1. Growing bigger and bigger

As online gaming and online gambling become such a big and influential part of our lives, tertiary institutions should offer degrees in order to

  • Study how to design games,
  • Do animations,
  • Look at gaming theory and development, and
  • Also learn about online casino management.

Research at an MA and PhD level is absolutely necessary to study online gaming and the positive and negative behavioral and cognitive effects games have on people. For example, even playing a simple game such as Candy Crush has proven beneficial for our brains.

Online PhD